Sunday, March 12, 2006

Party Time

So last night was my "birthday" party. We had a blast!

Mom kept hinting all day that we may get a "special surprise visitor" but no one would tell me who. Well finally just about the time dinner is ready, in walks T1G. Wow! What a surprise! So I got to meet the first of the blog crew. We had a great time drinking and carrying on - we even made him play spoons with us (poor guy, we may have scared him a little bit).

Of course, we had to call up Aunt Tammi so she could participate in the festivities. After all, she did start the tradition of family game night (I think we may have scared her a bit too).

AND.....they got me an Ipod!!!!! YAY!!!! And it's 60GB!!!!!! I'm so excited I could pee myself - though I almost ruined it already by spilling my Mike's last night as I was checking it out. Good thing there were still napkins on the table from dinner.

I can't even begin to describe the good time that was had (hopefully) by all. Thanks T1G for coming, and you're welcome back anytime - even if you do snore....LOL

So I'm getting ready to pack my stuff - heading off for a week of workless bliss in Gainesville. I mentioned there will be no internet - I'll look forward to reading everything that went on and posting again myself when I get back next weekend.